1984-1987: The Heyday of the Cultural Arts Program


Stephanie Powell Modern Dance Class, 1985. Robert Breck Chapman Photographs.

March 1984: CAP sponsors an exhibit, “Three Generations of African American Quit Makers” by the Scott-Caldwell Family of Baltimore.

July 1984: Photographer Kay Shelton curates an exhibit including his famous image, “Strange Fruit Emmitt Till.”

September 1985: Baltimore native and world famous jazz trumpeter, John Lampkin, gives one of his many performances at the Eubie Blake Cultural Arts Center.

October 1985: Donald Washington choreographs the musical, “West-Side Story,” as a joint CAP/Coppin State University production. Washington went on to work for the Alvin Alley American Dance Theater.


Drama workshop at the Dunbar Performing Arts Center, circa 1970. Robert Breck Chapman Photographs.

March 1986: Ella Fitzgerald performs at a CAP fundraiser event.

December 1986: “A Streetcar Named Desire”is performed with leading roles by Charles Croxton and Lynn Shipley at CAP’s Dunbar Performing Arts Center.