Browse Exhibits (3 total)
Stop the Road! Records from the Road Fights
This exhibit examines community opposition to expressway construction in Baltimore during the 1970s through the organizational records of the Movement Against Destruction (MAD). Founded in 1968 as a coalition of 25 neighborhood and community groups, MAD's leaders included George and Carolyn Tyson, Barbara Mikulski, Walter Orlinsky, Norman Reeves, and Parren Mitchell.
Imagining a Model Urban Neighborhood
This digital exhibit highlights 120 images from the Model Urban Neighborhood Demonstration (MUND) program in Baltimore, Maryland from 1968-1971. The images were selected from approximately 5,000 black and white 35 mm film negatives contained in the Model Urban Neighborhood Demonstration Records (MUND), at the University of Baltimore Special Collections & Archives. The exhibit also features selected video news clips from the WMAR-TV Collection.
What is Urban Renewal?
This exhibit presents documentation related to Baltimore's urban renewal efforts during the 1960s. The files include correspondence, speeches, editorials, newsletters, flyers, and maps from Baltimore City and Baltimore County. Renewal plans for the neighborhoods of Bolton Hill and Mount Vernon are highlighted, along with responses from neighborhood residents and homeowners' associations.