Browse Exhibits (3 total)
What is Urban Renewal?
This exhibit presents documentation related to Baltimore's urban renewal efforts during the 1960s. The files include correspondence, speeches, editorials, newsletters, flyers, and maps from Baltimore City and Baltimore County. Renewal plans for the neighborhoods of Bolton Hill and Mount Vernon are highlighted, along with responses from neighborhood residents and homeowners' associations.
What Remains: The 1975 Poppleton Historic Survey
This exhibit presents text and selected images from the Poppleton Historic Survey, conducted in 1975 by Phoebe B. Stanton for the Baltimore City Department of Housing and Community Development. Items in this exhibit are from the Greater Baltimore Committee Records.
Roland Park Then and Now
The purpose of this web collection is to a create sketch of early Roland Park, Baltimore. This is done by presenting a series of side-by-side photographs, old and new, of this well preserved historic neighborhood and its environs. The original project was two years in the making, 2008-2010. It was hosted at the Roland Park Civic League's website,, of which I was at the time the webmaster. That section of the site is now defunct. Its place is now taken by this new, enlarged version of the collection, now kindly hosted by the University of Baltimore. This second edition of the collection is considerably larger in scope than was the first, both in terms of the number of photos and subpages and in terms of its geographic reach. The photos in this edition extend beyond Roland Park's boundaries, well into Ruxton in Baltimore County.