
It is often said that if one does not like their surroundings, then the best solution is for one to change them. In the last century, the League of Women Voters of Baltimore City has been doing just that. Maintaining the mantle of the women's suffrage movement for one hundred years, the League has endeavoured to engage the public in a lasting way. Listening to Baltimore and its citizens, reaching out, and fighting for specific causes through information, hard work and voter participation, the League has advocated for the community. Just as the suffragettes fought for the vote a century ago, the League's fight against poverty, inequality and for equitable elections has continued... 

So much encompasses the word, "legacy." As the centennial of both the women's suffrage movement and the League of Women Voters of Baltimore City arrive in 2020, the current stage for next century of the League and the women's movement is just being set. The League is set to be a steady force for the continuation of political good and informed community engagement for the foreseeable future. 

The documents and photographs below celebrates the legacy and history of the League and women's suffrage. A particular item of note is a set of parody songs surrounding the Equal Rights Amendment, which only recently reached the necessary thirty-eight state approval.